Выпускник МВА МИРБИС Максим Лобанов прочитал лекцию для слушателей Университета Претории (ЮАР)

15 августа 2018

Организатор встречи – выпускник программы MBA «Стратегический менеджмент» Максим Лобанов, менеджер отдела контроля качества и локализации компании GOOGLE. 

В первой части встречи прошла презентация по теме: «Преимущества локализации в современном мире. Что она дает бизнесу», финал занятия включил интерактивный экзамен.


Founded in 2000, we are the University of Pretoria's internationally accredited business school, based in Sandton, Johannesburg -

South Africa's economic hub. The school is named after Sir Donald Gordon, in recognition of his contribution to South African business and a significant endowment to GIBS. 

In May 2018 the annual UK Financial Times Executive Education rankings, a global benchmark for providers of executive education, once again ranked us as the top South African and African business school. 

This is the 15​th year running that we have been ranked among the top business schools worldwide. In October 2017 our MBA was ranked among the top 100 business schools globally in the prestigious Financial Times Executive MBA Rankings. We are the only business school in Africa to appear in this ranking.​
